Sunday, October 30, 2011

Owen's 1st Birthday!!

I cannot believe that over a year has passed since I had my second little boy, but it has and it has been a great year!!  It is amazing how different a second child can be from the first yet they look so much alike. 

  • has 6 teeth now.
  • is 21.5 lbs. (his 12 month checkup is next week so we will get an accurate height then)
  • has been walking since 10.5 months.  This kid doesn't sit down!!  
  • is quite a monkey - which is why this was the theme of his party!  He climbs on everything so we have to watch him like a hawk. If you turn around for one second, he is walking on the end table. 
  • has had no problems adjusting to daycare.  He seems to love it and we have not had any meltdowns (from him) when I have to leave and go to work.  It certainly makes having to go to work much more bearable.
  • LOVES the tub!  He can play in there forever, but when he is done, he will crawl out himself if you don't get him.
  • LOVES to eat!  There is nothing so far that he doesn't like.  Recently, we just found out how much he likes tomatoes. 
  • LOVES Gavin!  He follows him everywhere (which I'm sure will get old for Gavin)  and loves to hug Gavin.  They are really good buddies right now.  I can only hope that continues!
  • is a dream to get to sleep.  After tub time, we snuggle for a few minutes while reading a book, then he simply points to his crib, cuddles up with his blankie and is off to sleep until at least 7:30 the next morning (unless I have to wake the poor kid up for daycare).
I am so blessed with my 2 boys and I can't believe that they are both growing up so fast!  Here are some 1st birthday pictures!

I bought this hat for Owen at the Covered Bridge Festival at Knoebels at the beginning of October.  I thought it was so cute!  Gavin had a prince hat so it was nice to have something that was just Owen's.

Hats are not really Owen's thing, but he is getting better.  He did leave this one on for a little!

Owen's special sign.  That hair is still crazy. I  think that it's a good thing that I didn't have a girl because I couldn't control Gavin's and I obviously can't control Owen's either.  His will be shaved by next year like Daddy & Gavin!

Hannah loves to wear the boys' hats.  Check back to the Christmas blog to see her in Gavin's Bears' helmet!

Owen likes attention!  He loved being sung to.  Thanks to Hannah for helping out so I could video tape!!

Owen's monkey cakes - of course they were banana flavored (which Owen loves by the way).  The top was for everyone and the bottom was Owen's to dig in to.  Unfortunately, he didn't actually dig in, but he did have some icing on his face.
Our boys certainly do not want for anything thanks to great family and friends!  Here is just a snapshot of his presents.  Of course he is going to be well dressed as well and he got a Cozy Coupe from Mommy & Daddy which we opened back in September so he could enjoy some time before the cold weather.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 1st Birthday, Owen! Looks like it was a lot of fun.
