Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Toy Story 3

On November 5, we took Gavin to see Toy Story 3 on Ice in Hershey. Toy Story (Buzz Lighthere in particular) is Gavin's new obsession. I never thought that Spongebob could be outdone, but sorry Spongebob, there is a new man in town. Everything is Buzz Lightyear anymore and that is all that he tells Santa that he wants for Christmas. It was such a nice day and we met up with some friends for dinner afterwards. They have two boys as well - Hunter is 5 days younger than Gavin and Brody, who is 6 months old - another buddy for Owen in the future hopefully. The only downfall is that I had to leave my little 2 week old at home, though I am very lucky to have my mom. It was such an inconvenience for her to watch him. I am also very lucky that this son doesn't mind taking a bottle (Thank God!) so it was much easier for her than when I had to leave Gavin. There weren't very many pictures to take in the dark but here are a couple.

Gavin showing off his new Buzz Lightyear toy for me. I know that the show hasn't started yet b/c as you will see later, Gavin didn't take his eyes off the ice once the show started.

Buzz, Woody, and the toys in the opening number.

Before intermission, playing with Buzz but never taking his eyes off the show.

After intermission, enjoying the Doritos that Dad got him. I was the lucky one who got to hold Buzz until he finished his snack. Notice that Gavin can muli-task. He can eat and never look away from the show.

1 Month Checkup!

I can't believe it, but we just got back from Owen's 1 month checkup. He officially is one month Monday, but alas we take appointments when we can get him. Here's what I learned - Gavin's size is apparently going to continue with his brother. He is a porker!! Owen was born 8 lbs. 7.5 oz. and 21.5 in. At 2 weeks, he was 8 lbs. 14 oz. and now for 1 month - a whopping 10 lbs. 5.8 oz. (75 percentile) and he is 23 in. long (95 percentile). I guess that is what happens when one eats 20 out of the 24 hours in a day. Hopefully that will start to stabilize and get on schedule. Here are some pics from the last 4 weeks.

In the Operating Room right after Owen is born. We don't have any pictures like this with Gavin because we weren't allowed to have cameras in the OR.

This is our first official picture as a family of four. I was heading to the recovery room so again another very flattering photo of me!

Owen coming home from the hospital at 4 days old.

I am very lucky to have my grandmother still with us and nothing makes her happier than visits from her great grandsons. She is very lucky to have 10 great-grandchildren, but rarely gets to see them. I make sure that we get in for weekly visits. She loves those kids so much and I am so thankful that we get this time together. However, Gram does not love Owen's name. When my mom told her his name - she asked if that was a final decision! Gotta love Grams!!

This was taken by our family photographer Gavin. He loves to take pictures. Notice his lovely fingers in the top left - we're still working on that!
October 31 - Love his 1st Halloween outfit that we wore to the parade and trick or treating. This is Owen's sleeping pose - though I see it very little right now. We are working on the whole sleeping thing when someone is not holding him!

Morning of October 31 - First time going to church. This was Gavin's outfit - easy to make some spring outfits into fall outfits with a simple onesie change!

First time checking himself out in the mirror.

After the November 17, 1 month checkup cozy in his swing. Notice how my little Houdini somehow manages to get that one sock off! I can't believe how time flies!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


So we did a lot of Halloweening (is that a word?) this year. Not because I wanted Gavin to have candy, but since it fell right around Owen's arrival, we wanted to make sure that Gavin felt special. Also, Gavin loved his costume (he was Buzz Lighthere as Gavin calls him!) and still wears it around the house so we wanted to give him every opportunity to be Buzz Lighthere!

This was the first time Gavin got to wear his costume. My mom works at a nursing home and they have a trick or treat every year there so he got to go with Grammy, Pap Pap, & Uncle Aaron first this year.

Next came Halloween in Mar Lin with Greg's parents. Greg is still a 3 year old as well and decided to dress up with Gavin. He is real creative - don't you think?

After Mar Lin, was Gavin's Halloween party at Country Cottage Day Care. You will notice that Gavin is shooting his laser. He has such an imagination that had to come from Greg since I have very low creativity!

Finally was actually Halloween. Gavin & Owen participated in Ashland's Halloween parade. It was a beautiful day and Gavin had a blast. There was a pirate ship that had sounds of cannons shooting us, but we need not worry b/c Buzz Lightyear came to our rescue and would "shoot" back with his laser! We felt very safe!

We took a short pitstop at my Gram's so that she could see Gavin's costume and we could get some photos and then it was off to our final trick or treat in Ashland. Even Owen got his first "treat." A sweet lady get stuffed animals for all the little ones that can't have candy. Who says that there are not nice people in the world anymore.

It's amazing how all of the candy suddenly disappeared from our house after that night (and there was A LOT of candy). Luckily my mom has a lot of nurses that needs snacks during the night shift and could use the sugar!