Wednesday, June 22, 2011

8 months old!!

I can't believe it, but Owen is 8 months old today!!  Where has the time gone?  He is getting so big and doing so much.  On June 5th he said da da and on June 14th he waved bye bye.  I forgot how cute these little milestones are.  He loves Gavin more than ever and is determined to do everything that he does.  I only hope that using the potty is one of those things that he wants to do as badly. He is still army crawling, but has perfected this and can get anywhere he wants.  He also has gotten great at pulling himself up - especially in his crib.  He first did this in May, but has added cruising around the furniture as his favorite past time.
Owen also loves to eat.  Even though he has no teeth yet, we have started giving him some table foods simply because he will grab it right off your plate if you don't give him something.  Tonight for his 8 month milestone, Gavin got ice cream with sprinkles and Owen shared a watermelon italian ice with me.  He loved this!!  I can't wait to see what he will do next.