Saturday, October 30, 2010


I know that I haven't written in a while, but I have been a little busy getting ready and actually having a baby. Things were not as smooth as expected. Greg and I chose October 22 to be Owen's birthday. This was one perk of having a repeat C-section. We were all set to be at the hospital at 6 am for a 7:30 surgery; however, Owen had a different idea. Unlike Gavin, who would have been content to stay in my belly for another 2 weeks, Owen decided that he did not want to wait any longer.
I had contractions all day on Thursday, October 21, but still went to work as planned and went on with my business. On Friday morning, at 3:30 am, my water broke and we rushed to the hospital b/c the pain that I was never supposed to experience was in full force. So my very impatient second son was born before we were even supposed to go into the OR.
Owen was a healthy 8 lbs. 7.5 oz, 21.5 inches born at 6:44 am. Not quite as big as Gavin, but still a big boy. Gavin is very helpful with his little brother and loves to hold him and give him lots of kisses. Hopefully that will continue. I will post more pictures ASAP, but for now this will have to do. Click on the link below and it will take you to the nursery page from the hospital. Talk to you all soon and please visit if you are ever in the area!