Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Santa's Video Message to Gavin

When my friend Kristin Boettger put the videos from Santa for her kids in her blog, I had to make my own as well. They were so cute. Thanks for the great ideas Kristin!

Here's Santa's message to Gavin:

Christmas Decorating

Last Sunday we decided that it was time to put up our tree. Since we have been married, it has been tradition to get a real tree and this year was no exception. We do not have as much fun as some of my friends though that actually cut their own tree down (Marisa & Kristen - I thought that was so great!). I think that we may have to try that one year!

We brought it home just before the bad rain started, but didn't get to work until later that night. The tree went in the boys' play room this year because we felt that they would enjoy it the most. Gavin did enjoy decorating it, but was not fond of the long wait until night to finally do so. We put the Christmas music on and got to work. Gavin had the most fun putting the ornaments up high because he got to climb on a small ladder to get there. He has a weird obsession with ladders - definitely my part of the kid :)

Posing in front of our "naked" tree as Gavin called it. Owen looks really interested - doesn't he?

Gavin & Daddy putting on the first ornament. Gavin picked a random Coca-Cola polar bear. I am not even sure where it came from. Notice it had to go up high so Gavin could be on the ladder.

Finally getting down to decorate the bottom of the tree.

Me & Owen putting on his 1st Christmas ornament. He was more interested in the lights. I do love this wrap. It makes doing things a lot easier.

"The Bassinet"

For those blogger friends that share in this "tradition" of Bloomsburg Middle School, this will seem repetitive, but for the others I would like to share this with you. The bassinet that Owen is in above has been passed down through 7 Bloomsburg Middle School babies (please someone correct me if I am wrong about this number).

It started with Brad & Lori Smith's 3 year old, Aidan (Gavin was born 2 months before Aidan; therefore, was not able to be a part of this ongoing tradition). It was then passed to Kristin & Jay Boettger's little boy, Caden, now 2. Next up was Marisa & Stan Hess who gave us the first girl, Annalise (now 2). It then went back to Brad & Lori for the second girl, Lily (1). Back again to Kristin & Jay for girl #3, Abigail (8 months). You would think that the girls were on a role, but alas Kristen & Daniel Beyer swung us back to boy land and Trafton, 6 months, was next in line. Last, but certainly not least is Owen, now 8 weeks, who grew out of the treasured bassinet by 6 weeks and is now sleeping snugly in his crib.

Thanks once again to Brad & Lori. I will return the bassinet so another lucky baby can partake in our tradition!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Village

Last Saturday, our family decided to spend a day Christmas shopping in Reading and then head to Christmas Village on our way home. Overall the day was great. Gavin loves Christmas lights and this place is full of them. Unfortunately, we always seem to try to do too much in one day. First, we waited for 1 hour 15 minutes in traffic just waiting to get to the parking lot. This was completely unexpected so the baby was not happy because we were moving at a snail's pace and of course he was getting hungry since we were not expecting that wait. Second, Gavin decided that he wanted to go with Grammy and Pap Pap from the restaurant to Christmas Village so my mom said that Gavin was whining for his mommy the whole time in their car. However, when we finally got there, even though Gavin was tired, it still turned out to be a nice (but cold) night. I just have to remember that we cannot do everything in one day!

When you enter Christmas Village, they have a cast of characters walking around and the cutouts for photo ops. Gavin took pictures with Rudolph, Frosty, and a Teddy Bear.

Gavin and Owen in one of the cutouts.

When you donated money to a local charity that helps kids, you got to ring a bell. We donated a good amount b/c Gavin loved ringing the bell.

Family picture in front of some of the lights.

We waited in line for a half hour to see Santa and Gavin decided to be grumpy anyway. Owen didn't seem to mind.

Uncle Aaron, Grammy, Pap Pap, and Gavin wearing his new Rudolph nose.

Some of the lights.

This was at the end of the path of lights. I just thought it was cute!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Decorating

Many of you know that our Christmas lights from last year were never taken down. This is because I had to put them up since Greg is scared of heights and we found out I was pregnant before it was warm enough for me to venture out to take them down. This year, Greg wanted to alter them a little and he conquered his fear enough to get on the ladder. You have no idea how tough this was for Greg so I am so proud of him (I feel like his mom sometimes). We bundled Gavin and Owen up and we all went out to help Daddy. However, poor Daddy ended up doing most of the work himself b/c if Gavin is outside, we are running around. I could barely get the pictures I did b/c Owen and I chased Gavin around the yard and "tackled" Gavin b/c his favorite game to play is football. That is the most running I've done in a long time. Let's say that Gavin had no trouble catching me.

Getting Owen all bundled up to go outside. Didn't seem to bother him so much!

Gavin and Owen in the front of our house before our football game.

Gavin wanted to take a picture of me and Owen so this is his best shot. He then proceeded to chase us around the yard. Not surprisingly, Owen liked the "running" so I'm sure that my life will not slow down with this boy either.

Greg bravely conquering his fear of heights. Now can I get him to take the lights down this year?

Gavin showing Greg up. He would have climbed up further if I would have let him. Guess he got his fearlessness from me!


As a finale to our busy weekend, Owen was baptized on Sunday, 28 November. It turned out to be a very nice day to catch up with family and enjoy this special day with Owen.

Owen all dressed up in his Christening outfit on his beautiful blanket from friends Mel and Jean. He looks so peaceful here, but he screamed throughout most of the service.

Gavin with cousin Kaylin and best buddy Dominick at the church. Thank you Autumn for keeping my little man busy while I dealt with a screaming Owen!

Since I am the only one that Owen will not take a bottle from, my Aunt Gina volunteered to do the job.

I have so few pictures of my mom with my kids so I thought I would put this one in even though Owen was screaming.

Owen with his Godparents - my cousins Dan Jr. and Hannah.

I wanted a nice family picture. Gavin did pretty well in this one considering he was ticked that I took him away from his Dominick.

My parents, brother, and us. Gavin was really sick of all the pictures.

Owen's beautiful cake made by Autumn's sister-in-law, Dana.

Uncle Danny, Aunt Nan (holding Owen), and Dan Jr. chilling at our house after the baptism. This is one of very few pictures that I have of my Aunt Nan. She always turns away from the camera so this is a treasure.

Gavin's godmother, Jenna, the resident hair dresser cuts my Uncle Jim's hair on our deck. You never know what is going to happen when the Stepanchick family gets together!

Santa Comes to Town

On Saturday, Santa came to Ashland to light our tree and visit the kids. It is a special treat for Gavin b/c Santa is my Uncle Jim, not that Gavin knows that. What is so nice is that every year Gavin is shocked to find out that Santa always knows his name - AMAZING isn't it!! This year Gavin also informed me that Santa knew he had a baby brother named Owen. I was completely shocked :) Since it was so dark, there are only a few pictures, but here they are.

Santa coming to town.
Gavin was a little scared at first since Santa knew his name and his brother's name.

Finally telling Santa that he wants Buzz Lightyear for Christmas.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Thanksgiving was very interesting this year b/c it was the first snowfall of the year. My wonderful husband allowed me and Owen to sleep in that morning while he got Gavin breakfast and they played in the snow a little. I stayed in bed a little longer than usual b/c Owen looked so peaceful and content in my arms; however, I was in for a great surprise. Greg and Gavin came to visit us and just as I was telling Greg to look at how sweet our little boy looked - he ripped Owen out of my arms and Gavin pelted me with a snowball!! It was definitely a memorable morning.

After my abrupt awakening; we headed to my mom's house this year - and quite honestly every year since we all know I am not the greatest cook. This is the best holiday in my opinion. My mom is a great cook normally but she goes out of her way on Thanksgiving. Our menu includes turkey, mashed potatoes, kielbasa, cole slaw, vegetables, and most importantly candied yams. These are such a special treat for me and I love them!! For dessert there was pumpkin roll and mom's pumpkin pie, which I eat as a side to the Cool Whip that I smother it with.

It was of course Owen's first Thanksgiving which is special and very different from Gavin's first. Gavin was able to eat solids at his first Thanksgiving b/c he was already 7 1/2 months old. Owen slept in his car seat throughout the whole meal since he was barely a month old. At least I got to eat my meal in peace; Owen was very cooperative and eating is not something I have to convince Gavin to do.

Owen's first Thanksgiving in his cute outfit that my friend Autumn got for him.

My two special boys! Gavin loves holding his little brother.

Our Thanksgiving portrait at my mom's house. I am going to have to work on getting better pics since Gavin is slightly covered by Owen's foot and Owen is screaming, but at least I have a picture.

Pap Pap and Owen taking a snooze after dinner.

My mom, brother and Gavin playing our after dinner game of Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaur - Gavin won of course.

Visiting Great Grammy at night.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Toy Story 3

On November 5, we took Gavin to see Toy Story 3 on Ice in Hershey. Toy Story (Buzz Lighthere in particular) is Gavin's new obsession. I never thought that Spongebob could be outdone, but sorry Spongebob, there is a new man in town. Everything is Buzz Lightyear anymore and that is all that he tells Santa that he wants for Christmas. It was such a nice day and we met up with some friends for dinner afterwards. They have two boys as well - Hunter is 5 days younger than Gavin and Brody, who is 6 months old - another buddy for Owen in the future hopefully. The only downfall is that I had to leave my little 2 week old at home, though I am very lucky to have my mom. It was such an inconvenience for her to watch him. I am also very lucky that this son doesn't mind taking a bottle (Thank God!) so it was much easier for her than when I had to leave Gavin. There weren't very many pictures to take in the dark but here are a couple.

Gavin showing off his new Buzz Lightyear toy for me. I know that the show hasn't started yet b/c as you will see later, Gavin didn't take his eyes off the ice once the show started.

Buzz, Woody, and the toys in the opening number.

Before intermission, playing with Buzz but never taking his eyes off the show.

After intermission, enjoying the Doritos that Dad got him. I was the lucky one who got to hold Buzz until he finished his snack. Notice that Gavin can muli-task. He can eat and never look away from the show.

1 Month Checkup!

I can't believe it, but we just got back from Owen's 1 month checkup. He officially is one month Monday, but alas we take appointments when we can get him. Here's what I learned - Gavin's size is apparently going to continue with his brother. He is a porker!! Owen was born 8 lbs. 7.5 oz. and 21.5 in. At 2 weeks, he was 8 lbs. 14 oz. and now for 1 month - a whopping 10 lbs. 5.8 oz. (75 percentile) and he is 23 in. long (95 percentile). I guess that is what happens when one eats 20 out of the 24 hours in a day. Hopefully that will start to stabilize and get on schedule. Here are some pics from the last 4 weeks.

In the Operating Room right after Owen is born. We don't have any pictures like this with Gavin because we weren't allowed to have cameras in the OR.

This is our first official picture as a family of four. I was heading to the recovery room so again another very flattering photo of me!

Owen coming home from the hospital at 4 days old.

I am very lucky to have my grandmother still with us and nothing makes her happier than visits from her great grandsons. She is very lucky to have 10 great-grandchildren, but rarely gets to see them. I make sure that we get in for weekly visits. She loves those kids so much and I am so thankful that we get this time together. However, Gram does not love Owen's name. When my mom told her his name - she asked if that was a final decision! Gotta love Grams!!

This was taken by our family photographer Gavin. He loves to take pictures. Notice his lovely fingers in the top left - we're still working on that!
October 31 - Love his 1st Halloween outfit that we wore to the parade and trick or treating. This is Owen's sleeping pose - though I see it very little right now. We are working on the whole sleeping thing when someone is not holding him!

Morning of October 31 - First time going to church. This was Gavin's outfit - easy to make some spring outfits into fall outfits with a simple onesie change!

First time checking himself out in the mirror.

After the November 17, 1 month checkup cozy in his swing. Notice how my little Houdini somehow manages to get that one sock off! I can't believe how time flies!