Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Village

Last Saturday, our family decided to spend a day Christmas shopping in Reading and then head to Christmas Village on our way home. Overall the day was great. Gavin loves Christmas lights and this place is full of them. Unfortunately, we always seem to try to do too much in one day. First, we waited for 1 hour 15 minutes in traffic just waiting to get to the parking lot. This was completely unexpected so the baby was not happy because we were moving at a snail's pace and of course he was getting hungry since we were not expecting that wait. Second, Gavin decided that he wanted to go with Grammy and Pap Pap from the restaurant to Christmas Village so my mom said that Gavin was whining for his mommy the whole time in their car. However, when we finally got there, even though Gavin was tired, it still turned out to be a nice (but cold) night. I just have to remember that we cannot do everything in one day!

When you enter Christmas Village, they have a cast of characters walking around and the cutouts for photo ops. Gavin took pictures with Rudolph, Frosty, and a Teddy Bear.

Gavin and Owen in one of the cutouts.

When you donated money to a local charity that helps kids, you got to ring a bell. We donated a good amount b/c Gavin loved ringing the bell.

Family picture in front of some of the lights.

We waited in line for a half hour to see Santa and Gavin decided to be grumpy anyway. Owen didn't seem to mind.

Uncle Aaron, Grammy, Pap Pap, and Gavin wearing his new Rudolph nose.

Some of the lights.

This was at the end of the path of lights. I just thought it was cute!

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