Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Decorating

Last Sunday we decided that it was time to put up our tree. Since we have been married, it has been tradition to get a real tree and this year was no exception. We do not have as much fun as some of my friends though that actually cut their own tree down (Marisa & Kristen - I thought that was so great!). I think that we may have to try that one year!

We brought it home just before the bad rain started, but didn't get to work until later that night. The tree went in the boys' play room this year because we felt that they would enjoy it the most. Gavin did enjoy decorating it, but was not fond of the long wait until night to finally do so. We put the Christmas music on and got to work. Gavin had the most fun putting the ornaments up high because he got to climb on a small ladder to get there. He has a weird obsession with ladders - definitely my part of the kid :)

Posing in front of our "naked" tree as Gavin called it. Owen looks really interested - doesn't he?

Gavin & Daddy putting on the first ornament. Gavin picked a random Coca-Cola polar bear. I am not even sure where it came from. Notice it had to go up high so Gavin could be on the ladder.

Finally getting down to decorate the bottom of the tree.

Me & Owen putting on his 1st Christmas ornament. He was more interested in the lights. I do love this wrap. It makes doing things a lot easier.

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