Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"The Bassinet"

For those blogger friends that share in this "tradition" of Bloomsburg Middle School, this will seem repetitive, but for the others I would like to share this with you. The bassinet that Owen is in above has been passed down through 7 Bloomsburg Middle School babies (please someone correct me if I am wrong about this number).

It started with Brad & Lori Smith's 3 year old, Aidan (Gavin was born 2 months before Aidan; therefore, was not able to be a part of this ongoing tradition). It was then passed to Kristin & Jay Boettger's little boy, Caden, now 2. Next up was Marisa & Stan Hess who gave us the first girl, Annalise (now 2). It then went back to Brad & Lori for the second girl, Lily (1). Back again to Kristin & Jay for girl #3, Abigail (8 months). You would think that the girls were on a role, but alas Kristen & Daniel Beyer swung us back to boy land and Trafton, 6 months, was next in line. Last, but certainly not least is Owen, now 8 weeks, who grew out of the treasured bassinet by 6 weeks and is now sleeping snugly in his crib.

Thanks once again to Brad & Lori. I will return the bassinet so another lucky baby can partake in our tradition!!

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