Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Decorating

Many of you know that our Christmas lights from last year were never taken down. This is because I had to put them up since Greg is scared of heights and we found out I was pregnant before it was warm enough for me to venture out to take them down. This year, Greg wanted to alter them a little and he conquered his fear enough to get on the ladder. You have no idea how tough this was for Greg so I am so proud of him (I feel like his mom sometimes). We bundled Gavin and Owen up and we all went out to help Daddy. However, poor Daddy ended up doing most of the work himself b/c if Gavin is outside, we are running around. I could barely get the pictures I did b/c Owen and I chased Gavin around the yard and "tackled" Gavin b/c his favorite game to play is football. That is the most running I've done in a long time. Let's say that Gavin had no trouble catching me.

Getting Owen all bundled up to go outside. Didn't seem to bother him so much!

Gavin and Owen in the front of our house before our football game.

Gavin wanted to take a picture of me and Owen so this is his best shot. He then proceeded to chase us around the yard. Not surprisingly, Owen liked the "running" so I'm sure that my life will not slow down with this boy either.

Greg bravely conquering his fear of heights. Now can I get him to take the lights down this year?

Gavin showing Greg up. He would have climbed up further if I would have let him. Guess he got his fearlessness from me!

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