Friday, December 3, 2010


As a finale to our busy weekend, Owen was baptized on Sunday, 28 November. It turned out to be a very nice day to catch up with family and enjoy this special day with Owen.

Owen all dressed up in his Christening outfit on his beautiful blanket from friends Mel and Jean. He looks so peaceful here, but he screamed throughout most of the service.

Gavin with cousin Kaylin and best buddy Dominick at the church. Thank you Autumn for keeping my little man busy while I dealt with a screaming Owen!

Since I am the only one that Owen will not take a bottle from, my Aunt Gina volunteered to do the job.

I have so few pictures of my mom with my kids so I thought I would put this one in even though Owen was screaming.

Owen with his Godparents - my cousins Dan Jr. and Hannah.

I wanted a nice family picture. Gavin did pretty well in this one considering he was ticked that I took him away from his Dominick.

My parents, brother, and us. Gavin was really sick of all the pictures.

Owen's beautiful cake made by Autumn's sister-in-law, Dana.

Uncle Danny, Aunt Nan (holding Owen), and Dan Jr. chilling at our house after the baptism. This is one of very few pictures that I have of my Aunt Nan. She always turns away from the camera so this is a treasure.

Gavin's godmother, Jenna, the resident hair dresser cuts my Uncle Jim's hair on our deck. You never know what is going to happen when the Stepanchick family gets together!