Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dutch Wonderland

Yesterday (7/20), I had my 1 hour sugar test so since Greg had off to help with Gavin, we decided to venture to Dutch Wonderland. Both of us had been there as kids, but since it is geared for the really young, neither of us remembered what it was like. I can honestly say that Gavin loved it. It is a perfect place for smaller kids with a variety of rides and a very small water part. Gavin was a huge fan of the water slides and most likely would have spent the entire time there if he could have.

Unfortunately, it did rain for awhile, but that gave us a chance to check out a show and grab some lunch. Luckily about 1 the sun came out and it turned out to be a completely wonderful day. Parking is free and AAA has discounted tickets for anyone looking for a fun day.

It was just starting to rain so Gavin was checking out the weather on his "monster truck."

Daddy and Gavin waiting for the monorail to come back. Again, just starting to rain so we chose to find a ride that would keep us covered for a little.

Anywhere there is construction equipment count on Gavin to find it.

After the rain finally stopped, Gavin found some wiggle racers. These were another hit. This is an untimed ride so as long as no one else was in line, the kids were free to wiggle around as much as they would like. This is a problem for Gavin who gets so engrossed in what he is doing if someone doesn't tell him to leave he won't. As you can see this was after the downpour and most people had chosed to take the rain pass for another day back. A little rain doesn't hinder the Mentzers!!

Dutch Wonderland is in Lancaster, so you know that the Amish have some influence on the attractions. Gavin thinks cows are great so he got a chance to "milk" a cow here.

Feeding the ducks.

As I mentioned earlier, Gavin is a water bug and "Duke's Lagoon" was by far his favorite part. He loved the water slides and not getting in trouble for splashing mommy and daddy.

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