Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Helping Daddy.

If there is one thing to say about Gavin, it is that he loves to help mommy and daddy. He always wants to be involved and I have to say that he helps more than he gets in the way which is great for us! He loves to sweep the house for me, but I love to watch him hard at work in the yard with Greg. So everyone knows that Greg is ambitious to say the least. He got this brilliant idea that we should get a pool. It would be really convenient to not have to go to our parents' houses with all the hot days this summer.

As always - nothing is easy. The "pop up" pool is now useless since our yard is not level and we have decided to not waste anymore time or money this year and next year Greg (and Gavin) will try again I'm sure. Anyway, the pictures and video are cute of Gavin using his wheelbarrow to move the sand. Notice that Gavin even has his own work gloves - they are Spongebob of course.

Using the wheelbarrow!

Shoveling the sand with daddy.

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