Saturday, January 1, 2011

Rolling Over!

On December 28, Owen finally accomplished rolling from his back to his belly. He has been working on this since Christmas day and now all the frustration has paid off. Of course this means that my baby is getting more mobile and I really have to watch him at all times - even closer than before. Notice he is naked! I took this trick from Kristen Beyer. When Owen gets fussy - off with the clothes!

He just needed to figure out what to do with his arm.

Got it! Now I just have to get comfortable.

PERFECT! I now will scare Mommy every waking second of the day rather than just every other second. Oh and now I will scare her during the night as well since I like to lay on my side rather than my back!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for naked babies!! I can't believe how much hair Owen has :) I hear you about being scared during sleeping - Trafton went through a period of about three days where he only slept on his stomach. Which is really weird because he hates being on his stomach. So glad the naked trick worked :)
