Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas - Grammy & Pap Pap's

My parents and brother are very wonderful people and love my children so much. Nothing makes me happier than to watch them interact with my kids. It is everything that I dreamed about growing up playing with my baby dolls (believe it or not, I wasn't always a tomboy). However, my children are also very spoiled. They got so many gifts that I don't know what we are going to do with everything.
Another very wanted present: the Toy Story landfill.

SURPRISE!! A Toy Story scooter from Uncle Aaron.

Owen was just as interested in presents as he was at our house earlier in the day. Instead he opted to assume his usual position on Pap Pap.

Greg posing with one of Owen's presents. I think that Daddy liked some of the presents more than the boys!

Family picture time!

We also visited my gram in the evening. Gavin loves to show off for Great Grammy and my Gram of course loves to see the boys as well. It was nice to share Owen's first attempts at rolling from back to belly though he didn't quite get there - it was entertainment for the night.

Pictures with Great Grammy. We are going to have to work on Owens's faces for the camera. Gavin is playing it cool for this pic. He is such a ham!

Owen was much more comfortable on the floor. This is the first time that he tried to roll onto his belly. He didn't quite get there today, but it's coming soon.

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