Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Morning

Well it is safe to say that Santa definitely made it to Lavelle this year for Gavin & Owen. It's so funny that Santa left all those presents since all Gavin really asked for was an Ironman mask and more importantly - Buzz Lightyear. Santa had strategically placed his presents so that those would be the last 2 presents opened since he wanted Gavin to open all his presents before wanting to play with everything, but that Gavin is too smart for Santa.

He skipped all small presents and pulled out all the big ones looking for Buzz. When the present wasn't Buzz, Gavin simply stated "That's not Buzz Lightyear" and moved to the next big present. He finally opened Buzz and for once I was grateful for the difficult packaging b/c while I struggled to get Buzz out of the box Gavin decided it would be ok to open the rest of his presents.

Gavin dreams of being a football player and loves to tackle. He also got a Penn State tackle dummy to go with his new Bears uniform, which included shoulder pads. Now he can stop using the Boppy as his shoulder pads.
Santa remembered his Ironman Mask!!

Could this finally be Buzz Lightyear??

Yep, Santa didn't forget!

We had a nice waffle breakfast and then Gavin dug into Owen's presents since Owen was not exactly excited by this Christmas. It is amazing how many presents a 2 month old gets! Overall, it was a beautiful Christmas and we are very blessed to everything. Hope you all had a great Christmas as well!

Owen had a better idea for Christmas morning. He slept through all of Gavin and his gifts.

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