Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nap Time

Gavin has been resisting nap time lately. This used to be so easy. We had him on the same schedule as his school so he would go to his room pretty easily and not wake up for a good 2 hours. I know that he still needs his naps b/c he still sleeps for those 2 hours; but getting him to fall asleep can be tricky. Today was particularly tough b/c Gavin wanted to watch the Bears' game with Daddy, but we wanted to stick to his schedule so off he went. I had to lay with him for awhile to settle him down, but he was still not sleeping when I left. Apparently, the sun was bothering him and causing him to stay awake b/c when I went to wake him up, this is what I found:

He's smiling b/c I was laughing so hard and I was yelling for Greg to come see and get my camera so I woke him up. I never know what this kid will come up with next!!

1 comment:

  1. Awe what a kid!! I love and miss him soo much!!
