Thursday, August 19, 2010

Too Cute!!!

So I guess I have learned that 3 year olds know and remember way more than you would expect them too. On Monday (8/16) Gavin went for his cardiology checkup. He was scheduled to have an echo (a fancy ultrasound to check the blood flow to the heart) to make sure the aneurysms were ok and his heart was functioning properly. (By the way, there was no change, but that is ok b/c at least there is no problems yet! Please keep praying!) Of course Greg and I were on edge b/c no parent wants to see their child have any problems but Gavin knew how to lighten things up for us. is the cute part. When the tech does the echo, she checks his heart in 3 ways: a straight-on view, from the top down, and at the top of his belly to look up at his heart. When she did the belly view, she asked Gavin if he could see his heart on the screen and Gavin replied in all seriousness, "No, that's not Gavin's heart, that's my Baby Brother in there." I thought all 3 of us were going to die of laughter. I wonder if maybe Gavin's been a part of too many ultrasound appointments for Owen? Really he's only been at 1!!

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