Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Here's Owen!!

Today Greg and I went to see Owen in 3D. We did this with Gavin and it is so exciting to see the development from the 20 week ultrasound. We learned that Owen is shy and is not real fond of having his picture taken as you will see in some of the pictures below. He also has a head full of hair already (according to the tech, I really have little idea of what I am looking at most of the time) and he has some really long thumbs and big feet.

Owen's very long thumb.

As you can see he is a bit shy. He covered his face with his hands (and sometimes feet) 90% of the time.

Here's Bigfoot.

Finally getting a hands free picture!!

Owen's first smile!!


  1. That is truly amazing! I never had that done with my kids. Already you can tell he's such a cutie!!!

  2. So AWESOME!! I loved having the 3D ultrasound done - it was a really intense feeling to be able to really 'see' in there!
