Friday, March 18, 2011

Nicer Weather!

I love the nicer weather! I finally felt that I could take Owen on outdoor walks b/c the weather got a little warmer (but on this day, I still had to bundle him) and the ground was dry. It is so nice to get out of the house and get some fresh air. Owen loves being outside - just like his big brother, Gavin - and we have been walking outside everyday since Tuesday. Hopefully the sun stays shining even if the temperatures dip a little.

Owen was excited to get out of the house as well. There are not many instances where Owen is smiling in his car seat so I had to take advantage of this opportunity. This hat was actually Gavin's, but it is still big on Owen since he has such a tiny head. The doctor says she is not worried, but you know me, I worry about everything. I hope that his head catches up with his body soon!!


  1. He is starting to look more and more like you!!! Oh how I miss you guys. love you

  2. He is adorable! Trafton is just the opposite: a body in the 50th percentile and a head size in the 96th percentile :)
