Monday, March 7, 2011

Update on Gavin

On Friday, March 4th, we returned to Gavin's cardiologist for another echo to see how his aneurysms are doing. We were greeted with only good news!! Though Gavin's aneurysms have remained the same size; there are no signs of blockages and no problems with heart function. This is such great news and the doctor gave the OK for Gavin to start Tee-ball this year. He is so excited! I simply want both of my kids to be happy and healthy and hope that every 6 months when we return to Dr. Connuck we get the same news. Next up is another MRI this summer. Keep praying for continued health.

1 comment:

  1. That is GREAT news! So glad all is going so well. What a cute picture of the two of them at the top of the blog!
