Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Toy Story 3

On November 5, we took Gavin to see Toy Story 3 on Ice in Hershey. Toy Story (Buzz Lighthere in particular) is Gavin's new obsession. I never thought that Spongebob could be outdone, but sorry Spongebob, there is a new man in town. Everything is Buzz Lightyear anymore and that is all that he tells Santa that he wants for Christmas. It was such a nice day and we met up with some friends for dinner afterwards. They have two boys as well - Hunter is 5 days younger than Gavin and Brody, who is 6 months old - another buddy for Owen in the future hopefully. The only downfall is that I had to leave my little 2 week old at home, though I am very lucky to have my mom. It was such an inconvenience for her to watch him. I am also very lucky that this son doesn't mind taking a bottle (Thank God!) so it was much easier for her than when I had to leave Gavin. There weren't very many pictures to take in the dark but here are a couple.

Gavin showing off his new Buzz Lightyear toy for me. I know that the show hasn't started yet b/c as you will see later, Gavin didn't take his eyes off the ice once the show started.

Buzz, Woody, and the toys in the opening number.

Before intermission, playing with Buzz but never taking his eyes off the show.

After intermission, enjoying the Doritos that Dad got him. I was the lucky one who got to hold Buzz until he finished his snack. Notice that Gavin can muli-task. He can eat and never look away from the show.

1 comment:

  1. Looks awesome! I am SOOO jealous that Owen takes a bottle - that is wonderful :)
