Wednesday, November 17, 2010

1 Month Checkup!

I can't believe it, but we just got back from Owen's 1 month checkup. He officially is one month Monday, but alas we take appointments when we can get him. Here's what I learned - Gavin's size is apparently going to continue with his brother. He is a porker!! Owen was born 8 lbs. 7.5 oz. and 21.5 in. At 2 weeks, he was 8 lbs. 14 oz. and now for 1 month - a whopping 10 lbs. 5.8 oz. (75 percentile) and he is 23 in. long (95 percentile). I guess that is what happens when one eats 20 out of the 24 hours in a day. Hopefully that will start to stabilize and get on schedule. Here are some pics from the last 4 weeks.

In the Operating Room right after Owen is born. We don't have any pictures like this with Gavin because we weren't allowed to have cameras in the OR.

This is our first official picture as a family of four. I was heading to the recovery room so again another very flattering photo of me!

Owen coming home from the hospital at 4 days old.

I am very lucky to have my grandmother still with us and nothing makes her happier than visits from her great grandsons. She is very lucky to have 10 great-grandchildren, but rarely gets to see them. I make sure that we get in for weekly visits. She loves those kids so much and I am so thankful that we get this time together. However, Gram does not love Owen's name. When my mom told her his name - she asked if that was a final decision! Gotta love Grams!!

This was taken by our family photographer Gavin. He loves to take pictures. Notice his lovely fingers in the top left - we're still working on that!
October 31 - Love his 1st Halloween outfit that we wore to the parade and trick or treating. This is Owen's sleeping pose - though I see it very little right now. We are working on the whole sleeping thing when someone is not holding him!

Morning of October 31 - First time going to church. This was Gavin's outfit - easy to make some spring outfits into fall outfits with a simple onesie change!

First time checking himself out in the mirror.

After the November 17, 1 month checkup cozy in his swing. Notice how my little Houdini somehow manages to get that one sock off! I can't believe how time flies!

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