Sunday, September 12, 2010


I don't get to go shopping in Bloomsburg all that much, but on Tuesday, my friend TJ was going to be working at Renco so I thought I would stop by to get some supplies. We are in the process of sanding an old dresser of mine and painting it black to match Gavin's furniture. In hindsight, I should have bought Gavin the dresser to match back when he was born, but hindsight is 20/20. Anyway, Greg sent Gavin and I on the excursion to get the paint.

Who knew that this would be the highlight of Gavin's day. He is obsessed with pushing things and TJ gave Gavin his own little cart to push around. He was so helpful that he even unloaded the cart at the checkout and pushed his cart to the car to help me. I just think that this is the best invention ever. Gavin is not one to sit around so shopping is not always so much fun, but if all the stores would carry these nifty carts, I think that Gavin and I would shop a whole lot more!! Here are some pictures b/c I just thought this was so cute.

1 comment:

  1. Thinking about ya! Hope you're doing well. It won't be long now :)
