Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tee Ball

It is that time of year again.  With the weather being so nice, they have been practicing for most of the month of March so Gavin has been ready for his games to start.  Ashland always has an opening day parade, this year it was on April 7th.  Unfortunately, we didn't have the opening game and had to wait until April 16th to have our first game. 

The first game was awesome.  The team did great - all the practice really paid off.  Most of the players didn't even need even need to hit off the tee.  The way Ashland runs tee ball is that if the coaches have practiced with their players, they give the kids 3 pitches to hit the ball before they hit off the tee.  Gavin hit the ball both times without the tee.  I was so proud of him.  Actually, I think that the tee was only used a total of maybe 5 times.  Hopefully they continue to do so well!!

Walking up Centre Street in Ashland to the Little League field. 

Coach Daddy and Gavin

I have to say he has a pretty good stance for a 5 year old.

This was his 2nd hit of the day.  I wasn't ready for the 1st because he actually hit the first pitch and I was too busy just making sure that I got a picture of him up to bat.  Lesson learned - don't underestimate your kid!!

Playing first base, his favorite position.  We have a little work to do in this area!  One step at a time :)

Gavin - Easter

Gavin loves the Easter bunny and egg hunts.  He had no problem running and finding the eggs "all by himself."  He is such a big boy now.  It is very hard to realize that he needs me less and less every day.

Unlike Owen, Gavin couldn't wait to pose with the Easter bunny.  I don't think that the bunny loves to see Gavin all the time considering how big he is!!

Getting all ready to get his eggs.  Autumn made his shirt - isn't it adorable?  Owen had his on too, but it was a little cold for him to wear without his sweatshirt since he was sick.

Owen - 17 months

I am a terrible mother - as usual- and haven't been keeping up with updates, so here is the latest on Owen.  He is into everything and is still a monkey.  He is busy as ever and wants to be outside all the time.  The warm weather has been great.  He loves to use sidewalk chalk and write on on our driveway and he got a baseball glove from the Easter bunny so that he can play with Daddy and Gavin since Tee ball has started.  We were going to practices with them, but Owen was not happy that he could not go on the field with them so we now stay at home. 
After an relatively uneventful winter as far as illnesses go, within the last 2 months, poor Owen has had a Staph infection that showed itself through eczema and a horrible rash on his legs and then just over Easter had a fevers of 103 because of an ear infection.  Hopefully this will be the last for a while!
At his 15 month checkup, he was 23 pounds (26 percentile) and 33 inches (92 percentile). The doctor says that my kids continue to be long and lean, which I am more than grateful for!!

Thanks to Minnie Mouse, Owen still hates anything that in costume!  He loved waving to the Easter bunny, but wanted no parts of going near it!

Waiting patiently for the egg hunt to start!  Poor guy was so sick!!

Even sick, he did enjoy finding eggs and putting them in his basket.

Just last Sunday, Owen finally ate his entire bowl of Cheerios by himself.  He is giving his thumbs up sign here to show how proud he is of himself.